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02-07-2021 07:06pm
Rite of Passage,  by Arnulfo Gonzalez I experienced two distressing near-death experience (NDEs), the first NDE was fourth rarest of all NDEs according to Greyson & Bush studies. I wanted to share my spiritual occurrences and after effects.  
After my 2000 distressing NDE, I was moved to write a paper titled “Rite of Passage©”. I expressed myself in the only way I knew - the experience was so profound.  It was my faith in GOD that allowed me to survive a near death experience.
My wife & I have been married for 40 years. The love of family helped me recover.
My wife aided me in some of the details of my accident because I was unconscious or incoherent. While unconscious, I saw and felt a spiritual dimension that is real outside our human body.  This revelation is not supposed to be kept a secret. It is to be shared with all. The following circumstance led up to this revelation:
When possible we tried to do our own home improvements. Well this year, we decided to paint the outside of our house on Saturday, July 2, 2000. I had gone through the same old process of power washing, caulking, priming, and then painting. On this occasion wife and son were helping me. Their presence and help from our neighbors enabled me to receive emergency treatment when I fell 28 feet. I was up on a ladder priming the chimney. I don’t recall the fall but I know that I hit head first on a landscape timber.  My wife and son witnessed my fall.
Tears came to my eyes when I wrote this because of the horror they must have felt watching me bounce off the ground, hearing the sound of my body crunch, and seeing the endless stream of blood coming from my head.  They did not know at the time whether I was dead or alive. I should have broken my neck upon impact and died. GOD interceded from the very beginning. My wife said that when the EMT’s moved certain parts of my body I jumped about a foot in the air. The spirit of GOD didn’t allow me to feel this extreme pain in my body.
I arrived at the hospital around 1:30 in the afternoon. I was immediately taken into the trauma room. The ER physicians recognized the serious head injury and stopped the bleeding. After examining me, they saw that I had broken the entire left eye orbit around my face. This meant that the bone structure above and below my eye was crushed and required reconstructive surgery. My eye was pushed back into my head. The fall injured my left shoulder severely but it wasn’t broken. My wife described the welt as a large softball on my shoulder. Next, came the fact that I had broken both wrists that required additional surgery.
After the initial examination, the doctors realized that my head injury was critical due to brain swelling. They decided to put off any surgery until they were able to determine if my frontal lobe of my brain was swelling internally or externally. Internal swelling would have brought on death. They prepared my wife for the worst case but held hope that external brain swelling would improve my chances.  Throughout this, GOD was in control of me physically and spiritually. This was the second time that I faced death and given my last rights. On Sunday morning, the doctors observed that my brain had swollen externally. They immediately took me into surgery to repair my wounds. While they rolled me into the operating room, Carol whispered to me to stay focused on GOD.
During this entire time, GOD was revealing to me a spiritual world that exists. What I am about to say scares me more than anything on this earth. I served as an Army paratrooper, volunteered for a tour in Vietnam, and was decorated as a combat infantryman. I experienced the fear of war.
I have done things that I’m not proud of and experienced life’s pleasure along the way. I realize the situations we face in life can be very disturbing and painful but it does not even compare to what lies ahead of us. I was allowed to see and feel numerous things in this spiritual journey. Without GOD, evilness will confuse and overwhelm you in this spiritual transition from our human body after death.  
Special people are given that rite of passage through this spiritual transformation into GOD’s domain. I can’t honestly tell you the order of things as they happened but I know the spirit of GOD was protecting me.
Our human senses allow us to feel, hear, see, and touch. We all have certain characteristics such as kindness, anger, revenge, love, greed, giving, sexual desires, the list is endless.  
These are unique feelings and spiritualties that we all have had or allowed within us at some stage of our life.  At some point in my spiritual journey, my human nature and free will was brought forward and I felt my immoral acts that occurred in my life.
I had to decide between those human satisfactions or GOD’s love. It felt like I was in storm force winds, crawling toward what GOD was offering or being pulled by evil’s temptations. Those who give in to those temptations are lost.
Then I saw what looked like oceans and oceans of souls in an evil dominion. There were hundreds of millions of lost loved ones. I felt their horror, pain, and torture. The wailing and hurt they were projecting at me was so intense, I couldn’t stop it. I could not tell the depth of the dimension but I know that it is real. When I first shared this with my wife and children, I couldn’t stop crying.
Along this passage, I was being attacked by spiritualties that wanted to penetrate my spirit. They were unmerciful and all I could do was scream.
But the spirit of GOD protected and shielded me from these acts of violence. I had no control of the situation but GOD did. In my journey, I did not see any religious symbols because GOD loves all his creations.
Then I saw the entryway into heaven and I stood before it. I felt GOD’s incredible love and peace. There was a gentle radiance coming from his presence. GOD knew that I could only handle so much but one thing for sure GOD’s absolute love is more powerful than evilness.
After three days, I came out of my unconsciousness. My wife said that I awoke with a spirit of gentleness, humbleness, kindness, and patience. I still have my faults and feelings. It is our human nature to be scared. One evening while I was recovering in the hospital, I had a troubled night and when I awoke my oldest daughter was sitting next to me praying. I asked how she was doing and if she had a restful night. She said felt the presence of evil all around. Just because I survived this accident it doesn’t mean that evilness will cease.
Looking back, the ensuing years were interesting.  I felt the wonderment of life and the corporate stress of complex interactions within aerospace and energy industries. I felt grateful and humbled as I opened up to the spirituality of life.
I respect the humanistic need or desire for religion but I truly realize that God is bigger than one religion or our planet. If we choose human facts to serve cultural, economic, religious or political objectives, we undermine our spiritual connection with God’s other worlds and creations:

My second life-threating NDE was not like the first. On February 23, 2012, I underwent what should have been outpatient surgery at a hospital in Oregon. I had sleep apnea. So, my surgery included Septoplasty, Inferior Turbinoplasty, UPPP (Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty).
Based on what my wife understood, the anesthesiologist did not properly close my surgery. I suffered a “negative pressure pulmonary edam” both of my lungs filled up with blood and fluids. Almost simultaneously, I incurred an “acute respiratory distress” my throat airway passage swelled and closed. I was in the intense care unit for three days but I survived!  During recovery, I told my wife that I was sorry I came back. My rehabilitation was the most grueling experience that I have ever been through. My surgery was bitter sweet because it was a painful failure. Again, I was humbled and given another message to share.
The first message I received from God “take care of your family”. This has been very personal to me and I have honored and continue to honor God’s message.
The second message was “God is ageless. He created the all cosmos. His absolute love for his creations is eternal. His love, faith, and hope were his gifts to us since our conscious beginning, share them. Evilness continues to grow. ”
The love, faith, and hope we have in GOD impacts our spiritual transformation. I wanted to express this in simple terms so that people will know GOD loves all his creations.
03-01-2016 05:13pm

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